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Our Product: 

Saving the lives of those who give us life.

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The KoKo Device is a catheter-based technology that encourages uterine contractions while removing excess blood to stop postpartum hemorrhaging.   

KoKo is for investigational use only and not for sale.
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Petri Dish

Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) 

In 2020, there were approximately 140.1M births worldwide.


10.8% of women experience PPH during childbirth (15M+).


With a 1% fatality rate, 150,000+ women will die due to PPH each year. 


Other severe complications of PPH include adult respiratory distress syndrome, renal failure, coagulopathy, shock, myocardial ischemia, hysterectomy, and long-term morbidity such as anemia. 


Approximately 20 million women suffer from acute or chronic disability from PPH each year.

Citations Thanks To:


Number of births and deaths per year, World (

Calvert C, Thomas SL, Ronsmans C, Wagner KS, Alder AJ, et al. (2012) Identifying Regional Variation in the Prevalence of Postpartum Hemorrhage: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41114. doi:10.1371/

Postpartum Hemorrhage - update on problems of definitions and diagnosis* - RATH - 2011 - Acta Obstetricia et Gynecoloica Scandinavica - Wiley Online Library


Postpartum Hemorrhaging:
The Problem

If the uterine muscles do not contract sufficiently after childbirth (Uterine Atony), very heavy bleeding (postpartum hemorrhage) can occur. This can be life threatening. Post hemorrhage usually occurs within 24hrs of childbirth, with 80% caused by uterine atony. 


 The Solution

KoKo encourages uterine contractions while removing excess blood to stop postpartum hemorrhaging.                                    

KoKo is for investigational use only and not for sale.
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